by NationalHomeLLC | Jul 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Is your house really a castle? Something that you could defend? These are crazy times and people are getting pretty freaked out about roving bands of looters and rioters. I remember when I was a kid I loved having a fort and thought that one day I would build a house...
by NationalHomeLLC | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Never Clean Your Gutters Again! Can’t you hear the advertisement ringing in your ears or dancing before your eyes? Gutters are a pain in the neck and I have seen people remove them rather than keeping them functional- This is a bad idea. Gutters are probably the best...
by NationalHomeLLC | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Afternoon Delight – Your Whirlpool Tub or Spa… “Skyrockets in flight…Afternoon delight” That was the refrain from a really nice little top forty song on the radio from 1976. Ah yes! In the last 44 years since that song came out, I find that my vision of an...
by NationalHomeLLC | May 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
Broken Hose Blues… “Ned” Meg quietly suggested. “please go and move the wet sheets to the dryer…now GO!” Ever the obedient and willing husband, I dragged myself up from my comfy chair and grumbled my way to the laundry room, opened the door and freaked out! The floor...
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